11 Proven Home Remedies to Heal Bronchitis

Bronchitis is a respiratory ailment that triggers swelling and irritation in the mucous membranes in the bronchial tubes, which chiefly carries air to and from the lungs. It could be classified as chronic and acute. Acute bronchitis generally lasts for a very brief period while chronic bronchitis may take months and sometimes even years. The bacteria or viruses which irritate the bronchial tubes mostly cause this disorder. Other causes can involve allergy, infections, dusty air or fog, changes in the atmosphere, pollution, smoking, cold and cough. The most frequent symptoms for bronchitis include tiredness, fever, tightening of the chest, difficulty in breathing, muscle ache, nasal blockage, and coughing with mucous (greenish or yellowish). Here's an inventory of some successful home treatments to eradicate bronchitis.

1. Garlic

The antibiotic and antiviral attributes of garlic treat acute bronchitis. Skin and chop three garlic cloves. Place in a glass of milk and then boil it for a few minutes. Have it at night before going to sleep.

2. Onion

Every morning, drink 1 tsp of raw onion juice. For fast results, consume it on an empty stomach. Otherwise, you are also able to add some raw onions while cooking.

3. Honey

Just add 1 tsp of honey as a sweetener in your normal cup of tea. As an alternative, you could also get warm lemon water and add honey to it.

4. Salt Water

Get a glass of tepid to warm water, put in a teaspoon of salt and gargle with it. Do this number of times a day to fasten the healing process. Add the precise volume of salt, as additional salt may worsen the situation.

5. Sesame Seeds

Blend together 1 teaspoon of linseed or flaxseed, a bit of common salt, a tsp of sesame seeds, and one tsp of honey. Have this fusion on a daily basis before you go to sleep. Otherwise, it is also possible to blend 2 tbsp of water and one-half tsp of dry sesame seed powder and drink it two times every single day.

6. Epsom Salt

This treatment works wonders for acute bronchitis. In warm bath water, add one and a half kg of Epsom salt. Blend well to dissolve the salt entirely. Soak in the bathtub for about half an hour. For chronic bronchitis treatment, carry out this procedure two times per week and for those who have acute bronchitis, perform this each night.

7. Ginger

It's possible for you to have ginger in different ways:

In a cup of hot water, add half a teaspoon each of cinnamon, ground ginger, and cloves. Have this mixture for several days to minimize the issue.
Prepare herbal tea by combining 1 teaspoon each of black pepper and ginger powder into a cup of boiling water. Leave it for a couple of minutes, then add honey, and drink this herbal tea two times daily.
Combine 1 teaspoon each of pepper, ginger powder, and cloves. Have this mixture thrice a day together with milk or honey.

8. Almonds

Smash a couple of almonds and prepare a powder. Add this powder in orange juice and lemon and drink it once a day to eliminate bronchitis.

9. Cabbage Juice

Have cabbage juice two times a day for 3 days to alleviate the indications of bronchitis.

10. Orange

Just drink orange juice and water for the absolute minimum of two days to eradicate bronchitis in a simpler method.

11. Water

Drink at least 8 to 10 glasses of water daily to heal the issue of bronchitis. Otherwise, it is also possible to drink vegetable soup and fruit juice.

The Very BEST Natural Sore Throat Soother

Our Mother got the formula for “The Greatest Sore Throat Soother” from our pediatrician when I was only a little girl. It’s a staple in my own family… and I’ m planning to spill it! NOTE: I used to be a kid of the 1970’s and everything was completely different. This cure isn't designed for kids– only for adults!

Create a batch and store it for easy-access this fall and winter.

Home Sore Throat Remedy


Lemons, Honey, Vodka. You’ll also require a hand juicer along with a little Mason Jar or glass jar with a lid.


1. Squeeze lemons. You’ll require 1/4 of a cup of lemon juice.

2. Add 2 tablespoons of honey.

3. Include 2 tablespoons of vodka and blend well.

4. Fill a small glass jar and create a tag.

The optimum time to get this is before bed… simply take two tablespoons and you may drift off. Your throat can feel good!

9 Natural Ways To Relieve Toothache

Anybody who has ever had the bad luck of a toothache knows that it's not only your mouth that hurts, it is your whole body. The Pain from a toothache could be felt in just almost every part of your entire body and even worse when pregnant. Luckily, there are diverse tips for immediate pain relief for a toothache. 

I have had a few so bad that they made me so sick to my stomach from the pain only. If You're suffering from a toothache, don’t wait to get it taken care of as soon as possible! 

You Should take quick steps to relieve your body of that hard pain. I was lucky this time that it hadn’t made me much pain and haven't begun to spread to my other teeth.

Keep in mind that in the case of a critical condition such as a Gum Infection it is best to have it taken care of by an expert as soon as possible. These 9 toothache home remedies should provide some instant pain relief for a toothache before you can visit the dentist. 

Do not swallow these remedies, You ought to take the utmost care with these 9 home remedies.Take precaution to only rinse and spit them out after usage.

1. Oil Of Oregano 
Combine a few drops of Oil Of Oregano with a bit of olive oil, then soak a cotton ball with the mixture. lukewarm water can replace the olive oil if preferred. 

Oil of oregano is a common alternative health remedy for many illnesses.

2. Apple Cider Vinegar 
Saturate a cotton ball with apple cider vinegar and hold it in place. You can also try regular household vinegar. 

3. Ginger Root 
Take a fresh slice of ginger and chew it a little. 

4. Salt Water 
Combine a heaping tablespoon full of salt in a tiny glass of warm water; swirl around within your mouth for as long as you can, then spit out. Repeat as required. It is a very effective natural remedy for natural toothache pain relief.

5. Tea Tree Oil 
Just join a few drops of tea tree oil with a small glass of warm water and rinse your mouth with it. 

6. Hydrogen Peroxide 
Dilute hydrogen peroxide with some of water and rinse your mouth with it.

7. Vanilla Extract 
Vanilla Extract is another common home remedy for treating toothache as it supports numb the pain. Additionally, the vanilla has a calming effect. Soak a cotton ball with vanilla extract and hold in place on the affected area. You can also utilize a cotton swab dipped in the extract. 

Apply this a few times a day until you get the expected result. Other extracts that have the very same effect are Almond Extract, Lemon Extract & Peppermint Extract.

8. Cayenne Pepper 
Simply make a paste with cayenne pepper and water.

9. Black Pepper 
You can utilize this full strength or make a blend of salt and pepper. Blend equal amounts of common salt and pepper with a few drops of water to make a paste. Apply the paste right on the affected tooth and enable it to sit for a few minutes. Make this for several days. 

10. Garlic 
This is absolutely a Must Try as most of our readers have certified the efficacy of garlic for tooth infection in general and toothache especially. Take a clove of garlic, smash it and use it (settle it inside your cheek). Besides, You can mash some garlic with salt. I have also tried the garlic powder and garlic cloves combined with olive oil and it works just fine.

Homemade Cough Syrup

I awoke yesterday morning to the sound of Amy coughing in her room... the rattle, congested kind of Cough that signals the beginning of a respiratory infection in-the-making. I quickly turned to one of my favorite books, The How to Herb Book, and looked up "cough syrup". Four different recipes were given; I chose the one with ingredients that seemed to best suit Amy's symptoms: onion, which is a natural antibiotic, to kill any infection; lemon, to cut congestion; and honey, to soothe the throat and add a pleasant taste.

I recruited Amy to help me prepare the cough syrup... I reasoned she would more be apt to take the medicine without too much complaining if she was involved in making it. She was an enthusiastic little helper and recipe was very simple and quick to prepare!

I added more lemon and honey than the recipe calls for, and the syrup was actually pretty palatable (for a cough syrup, anyway!). Amy has been taking 1 tsp 3 times daily the past 2 days and her cough has not gotten any worse. I've been treating her with other infection and cold-fighting herbs, such as echinacea, grapefruit seed extract, etc., using a vaporizer in her room at night, rubbing her chest, back, and soles of her feet with essential oils (tea tree and eucalyptus with garlic oil) and, of course, giving her Tylenol.

Here is the recipe for homemade cough syrup, taken from The How to Herb Book.


2 large onions
juice from half a lemon
1 TBSP raw honey


Slice onions and place in a pan (I used an iron skillet). Drizzle lemon juice and honey over onions. Turn oven to lowest heat and place pan inside; cook 45 minutes to 1 hour. Pour off juice and discard onions. Store "syrup" (juice) in a glass bottle and label. Makes about 1 cup cough syrup.

This morning Emily woke with a fever... no cough, thankfully, but her temperature stayed pretty high all morning. : sigh: I managed to get it down with a eucalyptus oil bath, herbs, Tylenol and a long nap. I love this time of year but dread the onset of sickness-fighting!!

Short Stature and Failure to Thrive - Is It Celiac Disease?

"Failure to thrive" is a scary phrase for any parent to hear coming out of a doctor's mouth.  

At three-and-a-half months old, our baby's weight plateaued at ten pounds.  For nearly one month, he failed to gain a single ounce.  

Our quest to restore his health included homeopathic treatment (which successfully healed his "gut"), treatment from a naturopathic doctor (which included starting Colton on a raw goat's milk supplement) and much, much prayer (which kept me sane!).   

Enter Gluten Free

Our little guy has been unofficially "diagnosed" with dairy and gluten intolerance, the latter being the culprit in his failure to grow. 

Once we pinpointed the allergy causing his health issues, I had an option: stop breastfeeding my son or go gluten free (I'd been dairy free for some time).

I've been gluten free for about eight weeks now.  The adjustment was tough, but I'll never look back. Not when I see my son blossoming before my eyes into a robust, healthy baby. 

About Gluten

Gluten is a protein found in rye, wheat, and barley.  And it is added to just about everything else in the grocery store.  Relearning to cook without cow's milk and gluten has been- and continues to be- something of a challenge!  

On the bright side, the more I learn, the more I realize how completely doable this lifestyle is.  And I like a good challenge anyway.  


On the really bright side, our baby boy has gained over two pounds in less than a month. For the first time since his birth five months ago, Colton is chubby. Colton has round cheeks.  Colton has a "big" tummy.  Colton has dimples on his legs and arms and rolls on his neck.

Yes, I'm gluten free.  A very small price to pay for my son's health.

5 Natural Teeth Whitening Home Remedies

Everyone hates a yellow smile, but if you have paid enough attention over the last years, smiles have gotten whiter. It isn't totally unusual nowadays to see a newscaster, celebrity, or other persons overly concerned with their look, to have teeth so white it is absolutely distracting. Do you really want a smile that “lights up the room”? 

No matter how white you want your teeth to be, there are multiple natural teeth whitening home remedies for a pretty smile. What is more, teeth whitening at home is completely easy. Teeth discoloration is part of our aging process. But just like wrinkles, many people counter it. While you can expect your teeth to deteriorate a bit over the years, there are things you can do to bypass stains and upsetting discoloration—and luckily, these natural teeth whitening home remedies do not require dentist visits,  hundred dollar bleaching trays or unknown chemical solutions.

1. Eat Strawberries 

There is growing evidence that strawberries can help whiten teeth because they contain vitamin C and an enzyme called malic acid. The astringent discovered in strawberries can help to remove surface stains while vitamin C washes away the plaque. Mashing a few strawberries and brushing with the mix once or twice a week can have concrete results. You can also just eat strawberries, making sure to chew very well and enabling them to do the brushing on their own.

2. Floss Your Teeth 

For some reason, flossing does not come as simply to people as brushing. Still, many hygienists and dentists recognize that flossing is way important than brushing. Floss twice every day for the best, teeth-saving results. Only flossing can efficiently remove the staining between your teeth, helping them to appear whiter.

3. Baking Soda and Lemon 

This is one of the most famous natural teeth whitening home remedies. The chemical reaction of the citrus of lemon juice with baking soda has a smile-brightening effect. Either one of these amazing ingredients works very well, but combined they're super-effective. Just brush with this solution only once a week because it can wear away the tooth enamel if used too often. If irritation happens, the baking soda may be too harsh for your gums, so stop using this remedy. If you are worried about damaging your tooth enamel, go for some of the other solutions. 

4. Eat Crunchy Fruits and Veggies 

Carrots, celery, and apples are all excellent for your teeth. Crunchy vegetables or fruit act like a nature toothbrush. Just chewing removes extra food and bacteria from your whole mouth. It also serves to scrub away surface stains. Not only does the texture eliminate bacteria and food particles, but the acids in vegetables and the fruits pull double duty, truly keeping the teeth whiter. Apples especially contain malic acid, the very same chemical found in strawberries (and teeth whitening products) that eliminates surface stains.

5. Oil Pulling 

Oil pulling is an Indian treatment used originally to improve oral health and cleanse the whole body. The process is truly quite easy, harmless, and so inexpensive. Just take one tablespoon of an organic pure oil and swish it around in your mouth for at least 20 minutes. Move the oil around your mouth through sucking, sipping and basically pulling through your teeth. After rinsing, spit out the whole oil, then fully rinse your mouth out with water, and drink 2-3 glasses of water (purified if possible).

5 Dumbbell Combination Exercises For a Killer Full-Body Workout

If you are exactly like me, you are contently seeking for new ways to maximize your whole workout time (especially because you don't ever have a lot of it anymore!). One of my ideal ways to maximize my efforts and my time throughout my workouts is with combination moves – essentially combining 2 or more exercises into one entire movement. Why simply squat when you can squat and press? Why only do push ups when you can push up and row? You get the concept! Today I desire to share 5 of my preferred combo exercises in one astonishing total-body workout that you can do from home with only a couple of dumbbells! I have got a hunch you are going to like this one!

First thing’s first – we need dumbbells! These are my individual favorites – you get a ton of weight, they are easily adjustable and strong enough to drop. If you don't have dumbbells already, go for CAP Barbell Cast Iron Hex Dumbbell.

For this workout I advise men use anywhere from 15 to 20-pound dumbbells and females to use between 10 and 15-pound dumbbells (of course that is entirely dependent on your experience, strength, and skill level). Let’s do it now!


Automatically warm up before your workouts. My preferred warmups for at-home workouts involve jogging around the block, 2-3 minutes of jumping jacks, or 8 laps up and down the stairs. Something to get the blood flowing!

1. Thrusters

You know me, guys – thrusters are apparently one of my all-time preferred exercises. Combining a push press with a front squat result in an excellent total-body burner! Make a front squat with your dumbbells at shoulder level. Explode back to an upright position during pressing the dumbbells up and over your head. Gradually return dumbbells back to starting position. 10 reps.

2. Renegade Row Push-Ups

One of my favorites for the upper body. Combining rows with push-ups to maximize games in the back, chest, and core. Position the dumbbells parallel to each other right on the floor. Get into a push-up pose with your hands on the dumbbells. Even yourself on one hand during rowing the other dumbbell up into your chest. Return the dumbbell back to the floor and duplicate on the other side. Now execute a push-up. 8-10 reps

3. Dumbbell Snatch

An exceptional combo move for the upper body, lower body, and explosive strength. Begin with a dumbbell on the floor right in front of you. View our shoulder width apart; bend at the knees and hips, hold your back straight, and grab the dumbbell with your hand. Explode through your legs and hips to lift the dumbbell off the ground whilst pulling with your shoulder to push the dumbbell straight up towards the ceiling. Gradually guide the weight back down to the origin position. 10 reps per arm

4. Plank with Triceps Kickback

You'll work triceps, shoulders, and core with this one! Get down in a high plank position on your toes and 1 hand. Grab a dumbbell with the opposite hand and bend your elbow to a 90-degree position. Straighten out your arm as you extend the dumbbell right back behind you. Gradually return to the origin position. 10 reps per arm (may have to reduce weight somewhat for this one)

5. Reverse Lunge and Step-up

Just one more move only to ensure we provide your legs a run for their money! Stand right in front of a box, a bench, or even at the bottom of your stairs carrying your dumbbells. Conduct a reverse lunge on the left by dropping your right foot way back behind you and lowering into a lunge on the left. Leave the lunge and bring your right leg all the way up to place it on top of the stair, bench, etc. Now perform a step up with the right leg up onto the bench. Lower yourself back down with your right leg and begin the reverse lunge on the left over. 10 reps on each leg

Feeling good? Now duplicate everything two more times (3 rounds total!)!!!

Make it happen!!

Have you heard of the NEW ab training technique called a Core Activation Sequence yet?

Top California Personal Trainer Accidentally Discovers A 23-Second Waist Shrinking Exercise After An EMERGENCY Trip To The Hospital!