5 Natural Teeth Whitening Home Remedies

Everyone hates a yellow smile, but if you have paid enough attention over the last years, smiles have gotten whiter. It isn't totally unusual nowadays to see a newscaster, celebrity, or other persons overly concerned with their look, to have teeth so white it is absolutely distracting. Do you really want a smile that “lights up the room”? 

No matter how white you want your teeth to be, there are multiple natural teeth whitening home remedies for a pretty smile. What is more, teeth whitening at home is completely easy. Teeth discoloration is part of our aging process. But just like wrinkles, many people counter it. While you can expect your teeth to deteriorate a bit over the years, there are things you can do to bypass stains and upsetting discoloration—and luckily, these natural teeth whitening home remedies do not require dentist visits,  hundred dollar bleaching trays or unknown chemical solutions.

1. Eat Strawberries 

There is growing evidence that strawberries can help whiten teeth because they contain vitamin C and an enzyme called malic acid. The astringent discovered in strawberries can help to remove surface stains while vitamin C washes away the plaque. Mashing a few strawberries and brushing with the mix once or twice a week can have concrete results. You can also just eat strawberries, making sure to chew very well and enabling them to do the brushing on their own.

2. Floss Your Teeth 

For some reason, flossing does not come as simply to people as brushing. Still, many hygienists and dentists recognize that flossing is way important than brushing. Floss twice every day for the best, teeth-saving results. Only flossing can efficiently remove the staining between your teeth, helping them to appear whiter.

3. Baking Soda and Lemon 

This is one of the most famous natural teeth whitening home remedies. The chemical reaction of the citrus of lemon juice with baking soda has a smile-brightening effect. Either one of these amazing ingredients works very well, but combined they're super-effective. Just brush with this solution only once a week because it can wear away the tooth enamel if used too often. If irritation happens, the baking soda may be too harsh for your gums, so stop using this remedy. If you are worried about damaging your tooth enamel, go for some of the other solutions. 

4. Eat Crunchy Fruits and Veggies 

Carrots, celery, and apples are all excellent for your teeth. Crunchy vegetables or fruit act like a nature toothbrush. Just chewing removes extra food and bacteria from your whole mouth. It also serves to scrub away surface stains. Not only does the texture eliminate bacteria and food particles, but the acids in vegetables and the fruits pull double duty, truly keeping the teeth whiter. Apples especially contain malic acid, the very same chemical found in strawberries (and teeth whitening products) that eliminates surface stains.

5. Oil Pulling 

Oil pulling is an Indian treatment used originally to improve oral health and cleanse the whole body. The process is truly quite easy, harmless, and so inexpensive. Just take one tablespoon of an organic pure oil and swish it around in your mouth for at least 20 minutes. Move the oil around your mouth through sucking, sipping and basically pulling through your teeth. After rinsing, spit out the whole oil, then fully rinse your mouth out with water, and drink 2-3 glasses of water (purified if possible).

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